Dear Parents and Students,

Good afternoon and Welcome to the end of week 26. 

This week in math students continue to expand their learning about numbers: rational numbers, positive and negative integers through accurately plotting these numbers as coordinates on either a vertical or horizontal number line. For home learning; in google classroom, students have been asked to write stories that show their understanding of the concepts they are learning about in class. For example: ‘Post evidence of the exploratory challenge that you completed within a small group. You must include a story, integers, a vertical number line, and a value scale for that number line. Additionally, complete the exit ticket from this lesson and post evidence of that as well.

  • Write a story problem that uses sea level and includes the integers −110 and +120.
  • Explain what zero means in your story problem.
  • Choose an appropriate value scale to graph both integers on a vertical number line.
  • Graph and label both points.’

For integrated language and UOI, students continue inquiring into the central idea: ‘Flight inspires scientific innovation.’ Students continue to develop their reading and writing through working on tasks set in Google Classroom in relation to a scientific report they are working on compiling. This is the precursor to students completing hands-on experiments and completing fair testing using a scientific model. We look forward to this fun part of our current unit. Students have also learnt about plagiarism, academic honesty, referencing their research and writing in MLA format with ‘in text’ citations. All details regarding this week’s learning engagements and tasks can be seen using our google classroom platform. Please do talk with your children about this as a point for conversation and to gain insight into what they are learning about in class.

School Events – Important Dates

  • Barcelo Resort: G6 overnight trip to Al Musannah = Please watch this space for updates. 
  • Student-Led Conferences = Monday & Tuesday, April 22 – 23, 2024
  • Progress reports = 11th of April To Be Confirmed (TBC) This to coincide with the first date of Eid Al Fitr

Please take some time to check out Week 26 photos by adding, downloading, or just browsing through all of the sights and sounds throughout the week. There is also a copy of the updated Ramadan timetable.

Home Learning – aka Homework

The maintenance of home learning reading/ writing and mathematics is important in consolidating fundamental skills. Please continue with this as a routine.

Worth Repeating:

Please remember…

As always, if you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us.

Sincere regards,

Your partners in learning.

The Grade 6 Teaching team

Glen Nicholson and Andrew Wetzel