Dear Parents and Students,

Good afternoon and Happy Thursday everyone…  

An awesome albeit shorter week due to the weather. This week we recognised all of the hard work that our students put into their exhibition learning journey by completing reading and writing of reflections as well as having some shared time and a shared lunch. A big thank you to everyone that helped with the G6 Exhibition. It really was a great learning share and something that both students and parents should be proud of.  

This week students also completed a basic facts assessment for addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. This is a timed assessment for speed and accuracy of recall and is the exact same assessment that students have completed three times previously. Results of this assessment are then graphed by students and placed into their portfolios as a work sample. Please do talk with them about their results for this.  

SeeSaw – Google Classroom

As previously mentioned and as part of students transitioning from the PYP into the MYP, this week we are also finalising our move from Seesaw into Google classroom so that students are familiar with the platform. This is the platform that all secondary uses to keep up to date with information, manage tasks, assessments, notices, and reports. Please do talk about this at home. An invitation to join the grade 6 google classroom will be sent to your email inbox in the near future.

School Events – Important Dates

  • Barcelo Resort: G6 overnight trip to Al Musannah = Please watch this space for updates. 
  • Student-Led Conferences = Monday & Tuesday, April 22 – 23, 2024
  • Progress reports = 11th of April

Please take some time to check out G6 W24 in Pictures by adding, downloading, or just browsing through all of the sights and sounds throughout the week.

Home Learning – aka Homework

The maintenance of home learning reading/ writing and mathematics is important in consolidating fundamental skills. Please continue with this as a routine.

Worth Repeating:

Please remember…


With potentially stormy weather again this weekend, we wish you well and hope that everyone stays safe.

As always, if you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us.

Sincere regards,

Your partners in learning.

The Grade 6 Teaching team

Glen Nicholson and Andrew Wetzel