This week in Grade 5 has seen many celebrations and activities. We were honoured to be invited to be among the first guests to experience this year’s Grade 6 PYP Exhibition. Students appreciated how much work had gone in to make the Exhibition so successful, and got a real sense of the expectations for themselves next year, when it will be their chance to showcase all of their learning throughout their PYP journey. Congratulations to Grade 6, they truly showed how knowledgeable they were and how much they have been working on their communication skills to engage their audience.

On Wednesday, Grade 5 had the opportunity to celebrate International Mother Language Day. A big thank you to the parents who joined us and shared stories.Students were treated to a selection of stories, including Urdu, Hungarian, Arabic and Scottish. They really enjoyed interacting with both the stories and the story tellers. They listened attentively and showcased their own knowledge of other languages, it was a wonderful experience.

This week sees our current Unit of Inquiry coming to an end. This culminated in all students giving a Dragon’s Den/Shark Tank (we called it Dragon’s Tank) presentation to a panel, to try to persuade the panel why their group should win funding for further exploration (or not!) into their chosen area of Space inquiry.

We finished the week with an end of unit celebration and we celebrated Qaranqasho together. I hope the amazing Qaranqasho singing can be heard in the video, please follow this link: Qaranqasho Song Grade 5

We wish you all a restful holiday and hope you get to spend some quality time together over the break. When we come back, students will be bringing their big bags with them in preparation for our trip to Muscat, which we are all looking forward to.

Sincerely parents, thank you so much for everything you do to ensure this is a successful year of learning for your children. Best wishes, Miss Rachel & Ms Khadija.