Dear Parents,

Friendly Reminder: Ensuring Your Child’s Safety with Proper Swimming Gear

We would like to emphasize the importance of ensuring that your child brings their swimming cap and goggles to every swimming class.

Swimming goggles play a vital role in protecting your child’s eyes from chlorine and other irritants in the water. Additionally, they enhance underwater visibility, contributing to an overall improved swimming experience. The swimming cap is equally essential for upholding hygiene standards and ensuring your child has a comfortable and enjoyable time in the pool.

To ensure the safety of all students during swimming classes, we kindly request that you check and ensure your child has their swimming cap and goggles for each session. If your child encounters any issues with their swimming gear, please address them promptly.

Your cooperation in this matter is highly appreciated, as it contributes to creating a safe and conducive learning environment for all students.

Thank you for your attention and understanding.

Have a great weekend!