Dear ABIS Community Members,

As you may know, the swimming pool is open again; therefore, students will start swimming in PHE as of Sunday 14 January.
Boys and girls will have alternate swim lessons, i.e., one group will swim and the other group will have a normal PHE lesson. Swim lessons will be conducted as follows:
  • Girls will swim with Ms. Dorothy and a female swim coach.
  •  Boys will swim with Mr. Fernando and another swim coach.

Students are expected and encouraged to participate in all the swim lessons. If a student cannot participate on the day of their lesson, his or her parents must provide us with a note stating a valid reason for non-participation.

Students are required to bring the following on their swim day:
  1. Appropriate swimming costume
  2. Swim goggles
  3. Swim cap
  4. Towel
  5. Sandals/ flip flops (optional)
  6. Mesh or waterproof bag for wet clothes.