Dear Grade 2SB Parents,

Thank you to all you parents who have already sent in the signed consent form for our field trip to a farm next week. Please do have your consent form in as soon as possible next week, if you haven’t already done so. We had such a great time exploring a wadi and the beach and also observing the birds in an estuary. The students really enjoyed collecting a variety of seashells and having a little paddle in the sea. We saw some crabs and their homes and wondered about the animals which might live in the shells.

Next week, our field trip will provide an opportunity to compare a natural habitat with a human made habitat. We are all looking forward to visiting the farm. I have included the consent form below if the original sent home has been lost.

This week we have been rehearsing for our assembly and creating our own descriptions of our work in building houses. Please see the video below if you would like to re-view the assembly or were unable to attend today’s performance.

We are beginning to wrap up our current unit of inquiry: Sharing the Planet. Today, your child will be bringing home a rubric (success criteria) sheet which outlines the expectations for the summative assessment. Below you will find the instructions with a short video to showcase what a diorama is and how one can be built. I have gone over this with the students and have emphasised that nothing should need to be bought especially for this project; please encourage your child to use what you have in your home. On Epic, students will find in their mailbox a link to a new collection of books called: ‘Endangered Animals’. From this collection of books, your child will choose an animal they would like to research and present. The diorama is due on Sunday, 10th December.

In maths, this week we have continued exploring the variety of tools we use to measure length. We have worked on accuracy in our measuring and identifying whether something would be measured in centimetres, metres or kilometres. We continue to begin our measurements by making an estimate first, then checking our smart guesses against the actual measurements.

Our literacy, this week has focused on reading independently and building our phonic knowledge and using this in our writing.

If you were able to attend, I hoped you enjoyed today’s assembly and that you are looking forward to the weekend.

Diorama instructions

Diorama is due the 10th December.

Habitat diorama rubric

Farm field trip consent form

Grade 2 Assembly

Week 14 photos are here