Dear Grade 2SB Parents,
Thank you so much to those parents who were able to make it to our Welcome Evening last night. We appreciate you taking time out of your busy days to be informed about the Grade 2, our curriculum and practices, as well as, meeting the two new Grade 2 teachers. We will send on the slideshow and introduction newsletter today.
We’ve had another busy week in Grade 2: we are continuing to get to know one another and to build our classroom community. This week I have been assessing the children’s reading in order to observe their reading strategies and what skills they currently have so they can be guided to choosing ‘just right’ books and I can support further development in their reading abilities.
The children also took an initial math assessment with Grade 1, Grade 2 and some Grade 3 objectives – as always, our learning is student-centred and we want to build our planning around where your child’s understanding is currently and how we can support them as we move through Grade 2.
We have begun tiptoeing into our current Unit of Inquiry: Who we are, a study of cultures which include our country, community and group cultures. The children have designed their own title page and have begun exploring their own identities.
Ms Maryam has announced: We are pleased to announce the first Scholastic Book Club order for this year. This is an online book club from which students can order books to be delivered to the school and distributed through the library.
Each order has a surcharge, which covers shipping and handling, as well as earning points for our ABIS library to order titles from.
I will be running the club next week on Thursday the 17th and it will only be two weeks.
Please let the students watch this video to get excited. During next week, Ms Maryam will begin distributing the order forms.
I wish you a relaxing weekend with your families.