Dear Parents and Guardians of KG1,

Thank you to all the parents who attended our Learning Celebration today! It was such a great occasion to share in celebrating their growth and development with you. Our students were so proud to show you what they can do.

Please click here to see some photos of our week.

This week in Mathematics, we have practiced the following knowledge and thinking skills:

  • Counting forwards from 1 to 10 and 1 to 20.
  • Counting backwards from 1 to 10.
  • Developing the ability to identify number values.


In our English language development, we are focusing on enhancing our writing, literacy, and speaking skills through the following activities:

  • Learning the proper way to hold a crayon or colored pencil.
  • Engaging in painting and drawing to create stories.
  • Actively listening to stories.
  • Crafting and sharing our own stories.
  • Recognizing the different parts of a storybook.
  • Engaging in English conversations with one another.


We are making significant progress in our physical and social skills, and therefore, we are putting great effort into the following areas:

  • Utilizing both our large and small muscles to foster the development of gross and fine motor skills.
  • Emphasizing inclusivity by involving others in our games and activities.
  • Practicing the value of sharing.
  • Prioritizing respect and embodying kindness and care towards our friends every day.
  • Improving our listening skills by attentively following instructions given in class and at home.
  • Learning to effectively communicate with each other using English words.


We hope you and your family have a great weekend.

Warm regards,

Miss Erasmus, Ms. Buthaina, Ms. Asila and Ms. Kamla