Planning is well underway for our teams as they worked together to plan their meals and recipes. Social skills were put into action as members worked together cooperatively to ensure everyone was listened to, and decisions were made to ensure their team has the best chance of success for the Great Grade 5 Cook Off 2023.

Congratulations to those students who completed Islamic Studies, Omani Social Studies, and Arabic exams this week. Next week will be focused on reading, writing, maths and problem solving assessments, giving everyone the opportunity to show how much their skills have developed during Grade 5.

We have been working through some very complex multi-step word problems related to the addition and subtraction of fractions and students have come up with some great strategies to ensure they will be successful in their assessment next week.

Wishing everyone a relaxing weekendeview, revise, prepare and maybe start testing out those recipes and cooking skills!

Best wishes, G5 teachers