Dear Parents and Students,

Good afternoon and Happy Thursday. 

This week’s highlight was that G6 students got to experience the ‘transition’ to G7. They spent the day today in G7 classrooms, interacted with some of the teachers who would be teaching them next year and carried out some interesting learning engagements. Please do talk with them about his. Students also completed the WIDA assessment. Please see below for a collage and click the link below for the photos from this week: 

2022 2023 Week 34 photos

Grade 6 Hard at work learning and having fun…

Grade 6 Transition day…

Unit of Inquiry: Students focused on their ‘How We Express Ourselves’ unit of inquiry by watching a couple of inspirational videos –  Caine’s arcade (a story of a boy’s creativity) and Kenyan teen’s invention of lion lights and reflected on their understanding using a set of questions framed around Edward De Bono’s 6 thinking hats routine respectively. You may have seen a copy of these assignments on the Google Classroom email summary. These videos have helped spark a sense of creativity and imagination in students and as we go along, students will apply this inspiration to their creative thinking learning engagements. 

Upcoming events/notices:

  • Final Year Exams (Ministry of Education, Oman):

-28th May   Social Studies

-30th May    Arabic 

-1st June     Islamic


Students completed a problem-solving assessment in maths. This week, we focused on fractions, percentages and decimal numbers and the students learnt how to calculate a specific percentage of a whole number. This skill could help them work on real-life situations related to discounts, sale deals, profit margins and sharing. Students also refreshed their knowledge of the base ten number system using Omani rial and Baisa to practise adding, subtracting and multiplying decimal numbers. Please look for a sample of this in students’ Thursday ‘Take Home’ folders  if they remembered to bring it home today or their ipad (if they preferred to keep a digital copy).

Please look for a sample of this in students’ Thursday ‘Take Home’ folders or their ipad (if they preferred to keep a digital copy). 

How you can help at home:

Please also help your children use their  Nessy, RAZ kids, Epic and Prodigy accounts for numeracy and literacy practice as part of their homework. 

Raz Kids for Reading

  • Teacher’s name: ABIS6SG
  • Remember your own password icons

Prodigy for maths & English

  • Ms Sri’s class code – 555CE48
  • Mr Nicholson’s class code – F72F169


Secret word – CANDYSNACK (remember your login details)


This week for homework, students have continued their daily reading, Math basic facts practice, Nessy/ RAZ/ Epic and weekly spelling words. Students have also been asked to continue with preparation for their exhibition project.  

As always, spending time with your children at home reading, writing and playing maths games is a very valuable shared learning time. As in our previous notice, students will be able to share some of their learning with you through their ‘Take home folder’ or their google classroom links so please do talk with them about this to see what they have been working on.

Worth repeating:


Thank you.

As always, if you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us

Sincere regards,

Your partners in learning.

The Grade 6 Teaching team

Glen Nicholson, Srikala Raghuraman, Maryam Al Muqbal