Dear Families,

This week was very exciting in Primary, especially for the Grade 6 class.  They spent two days and one evening presenting their PYP Exhibition projects to parents, students and teachers across the whole school.  If your child is not in grade 6, ask them about their visit to the Exhibition, what their favourite presentation was and what they might have learned.  If your child is in Grade 6, you are already well aware of the process, and were hopefully able to attend last night. In order to extend their thinking and learning about the projects, you might continue to talk about them at home.  Some of the questions you can ask your child about this, or any project/presentation, may include:

  • What was something you know now that you didn’t know before the exhibition?
  • What was your biggest challenge in presenting your learning?
  • How did you make decisions as a group?
  • How did you decide which information you could use and which information was not reliable?
  • If you could change one thing about your project/process, what would it be?
  • What can you do now?

Next week, on Wednesday, May 17, there will be a G6 Parent Meeting held upstairs in the LC2 building (Grade 7 space). Please plan to attend as you will get valuable information about the differences between PYP and MYP, as well as useful information about how to help your child navigate the upcoming transition.

Don’t forget:

  • Thursday, May 18: Grades 3 & 4 are hosting the next Primary Assembly in the Mazoon starting at 12:20pm. We look forward to seeing you there.

Finally, although the children are now on their indoor lunch play schedule, it is important that they still bring water bottles and hats to school each day, in addition to healthy snacks which will help them through these summer days.

As always, contact your child’s teachers or me with any questions about supporting learning from home.  ABIS has an open door policy: drop in for a coffee or say hello to your child’s teachers when dropping off in the mornings!

Have a lovely weekend.  Maeve