Dear Parents and Students,

Welcome to the end of a very busy week.

Students have been hard at work this week pulling everything for their Exhibition together for next week’s performances. For photos of students hard at work learning, taking action and having fun this week, please see our collage and Grade 6 Picture folder linked below.

2021 2022 Week 31 photos

Notices & upcoming events:

  • 30 Apr – 18 May (2 wks) – Exhibition unit
  • 10 and 11 of May – Exhibition Presentation 5:00 – 6:30 Special viewing for G6 parents- Please see the feature image for your invitation. 
  • Final Year Exams (Ministry of Education, Oman) :
    • 28th May   Social Studies
    • 30th May    Arabic 
    • 1st June     Islamic 

Inquiry &  Language:

Exhibition Journal: Documenting the learning journey (process and product).

For our exhibition unit, as in the homework description, students have been recording their research findings and reflections in their unit of Inquiry book.  This creating a journal and log of what they have done, what they have discovered as well as their thoughts and feelings in light of this. Please do look at this and talk with your children about it. This is where you will gain insight into everything about what is happening for the Exhibition unit. Next week on Wednesday and Thursday grade 6 will be presenting their exhibition to the rest of the school and the ABIS learning community. As Grade 6 parents you are also invited to attend a special showing from 5:00pm to 6:30pm on Wednesday afternoon. The students are working hard on their projects and are all quite excited about this.  We look forward to seeing you all there.  

Just a few more days to go for the exhibition… Please see the invitation featured here. 

How you can help at home:

Please have a conversation with your child about what they did this week as the excitement builds up to their exhibition on Wednesday and Thursday of next week.


This week, students revisited their knowledge of data handling by looking at responses to the surveys they had sent earlier and started analysing their related concepts from different perspectives. They are getting more familiar with the use of pie/circle graphs in polls. They are also figuring out ways to put together varied responses to their open-ended questions. 

How you can help at home:

Please also help your children use their  Nessy, RAZ kids, Epic and Prodigy accounts for numeracy and literacy practice as part of their homework. 

Raz Kids for Reading

  • Teacher’s name: ABIS6SG
  • Remember your own password icons

Prodigy for maths & English

  • Ms Sri’s class code – 555CE48
  • Mr Nicholson’s class code – F72F169


Secret word – CANDYSNACK (remember your login details)


This week for homework, students have continued their daily reading, Math basic facts practice, Nessy/ RAZ/ Epic and weekly spelling words. Students have also been asked to continue their research and document their learning in relation to their exhibition topics. 

As always, spending time with your children at home reading, writing and playing maths games is a very valuable shared learning time.

Worth repeating:

Thank you.

As always, if you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us

Sincere regards,

Your partners in learning.

The Grade 6 Teaching team

Glen Nicholson, Srikala Raghuraman, Maryam Al Muqbal