Dear Parents and Guardians of KG1,
We loved dressing up for Book Day this week and also got to play outside and made the most of our time that we were able to spend outside. We were brave and explored new play areas. We are also being kind and caring towards each other more often, which is great! We are learning to include other people when we play.
Please click here to see some photos of our fun-filled week!
Our knowledge and thinking skills that we practiced in Mathematics were:
- counting forwards/backwards from 1 to 5
- counting forwards from 1 to 10
- practicing to identify number value
We are continuing to develop our writing, literacy and speaking skills in English by:
- learning how to hold a crayon/color pencil properly
- painting and drawing stories
- listening to stories
- telling our own stories
- identifying parts of a story book
- speaking English to each other
We are working very hard on our Physical and Social Skills by:
- using our big and small muscles to help develop our gross and fine motor skills
- including other people in our games
- sharing
- being a respectful person (this is very important) – showing kindness and caring to our friends, something we need to do everyday.
- improving on our listening skills – following instructions that are given in class (and at home)
- learning to use English words to communicate with each other.
Have a lovely weekend and start to Ramadan.
Warm regards,
Miss Erasmus, Ms Buthaina, Ms Kamla and Ms Asila