Dear Families,

Students had such a wonderful time this week dressing up for different theme days.  We saw lots of creativity and learned a lot about students in the process.  Thanks to parents for supporting Spirit Week at ABIS with loads of fun ideas.  We also had a Mother Language celebration, where students were able to honour their first languages by sharing greetings and phrases with their teachers and friends.

Today’s assembly was led by Grades 1 & 2 classes.  It was a wonderful send off for the start of our February break.  Thanks to all who could attend. Our next Primary Assembly will be on Thursday, March 9 and will be led by Grades 3 & 4 classes.

Please plan to attend our upcoming School Wide Parent Coffee Morning. Parents from Primary and Secondary will gather for an informal get together in the Atrium of LC3 at 8am on Tuesday, March 7.  It’s a great morning to meet and chat with other parents and to touch base with both myself and Mr. Cooper to keep up with what is happening across the school.

After the February break, you will receive an invitation to sign up for our upcoming Student Led Conferences.  These will take place on Tuesday, March 14 from 3:30 – 7pm and on Wednesday, March 15 from 1-5pm. Students will go home early (12:20pm dismissal time) on March 15 in order to accommodate these meetings.  Students will be in charge, and will lead you through different learning activities in their homerooms, followed by opportunities to visit specialist learning areas.  These are a celebration of your child’s achievements so far this year, and are not a time where you sit with the teacher to discuss your child’s individual progress.  If you require that kind of a meeting, it should be set up with your child’s teacher for a separate time.

After School Activities finished this week and will resume for one more round after Ramadan. Only the Musical rehearsals will continue after the February break in preparation for our performance.  The dress rehearsal will occur during the school day on Sunday, March 12, followed by the community performance on Monday, March 13 at 4:30pm.  Please mark your calendars for the show!

Next week is an ABIS holiday.  It’s the last break to enjoy the cooler weather with your families before Ramadan, and then the warmer temperatures arrive. We look forward to welcoming you back on Sunday, March 5.  Enjoy the holiday!  Maeve