Dear KG2 Families,
Dear KG2 Families,
What an amazing and busy week we had.
We had lots of fun with our friends during our choice times and engaged in a variety of learning/ play invitations such as painting, constructing, lego, cutting and playing with playdough.
This week we continued to focus on our names with a new learning engagement called “Star Name”. This week’s star names were Ali, Arya, Reem and Sara. We have analyzed our names, talked about how many and which letters we have in our names, how to form our names and have focused on initial letters. Each child attempted to write star names and drew a picture of the star child. Then we bound these pages together and made a special book for our star children. Ali, Arya, Reem and Sara enjoyed being our star names for this week.
We have also kicked off our first unit of inquiry with a thinking routine (See, Think, Wonder). We modeled this routine for children, then asked them to contribute to our discussions. Some children were happy to share their thoughts. Some decided to observe. We will continue to use various thinking routines in order to make children’s thinking visible.
Please click here to see some photos from our week.
Have a lovely weekend,
Mrs Nicholson and Ms Haifa