Letters make words! Words tell a story … we talked about and drew our family. Then we discussed what activities we liked doing with our families. We tallied our answers to see which was our favourite. Then we drew the picture in our journal book. We were reminded to use the alphabet card to sound out words and possibly write sentences.

Building Letter “u” out of cars
Building and reading back words.
Look at my miniature Lego house! And matching letters on the alphabet card.
Caring girls tidied the dolls house. Thank you Sophie and Rayan!
Building our names.
Making the covers for our journal book. The children enjoyed this activity and I hope will feel inspired to put the thoughts and feelings down on paper.
Letter memory game station.
Caring for our classroom and doing the best job to tidy up the doll’s house. Thank you Sophie and Rayan.
Building and copying words.

 making 1-20 puzzle

 Making shape pictures

 Adding Game

 beginning sounds game