Dear KG2 Families,

Our first week was a huge success. 🙂

It has been great to observe that our little learners have begun to feel comfortable in their new environment. New friendships have begun to blossom and our little learners are in the process of learning about classroom expectations and rules. 

This week was packed with lots of learning engagements. We met our specialist teachers. We went to the library (more to come soon). We read lots of books, drew our self-portraits, focussed on how to write our names, made our own playdough, sang lots of songs and played different games. Our classrooms were set up with various learning/play invitations: painting, playdough, lego, blocks and so on…

We believe that pictures talk more than words…

Please enjoy the photos below…

Have a lovely weekend,

Warm regards,

Mrs Nicholson and Ms Haifa