Dear Parents and Students,
Good afternoon and Happy Thursday.
As you all know, our PYP Exhibition is the main focus of our learning at the moment. This is a capstone project bringing together all that students have learned throughout primary school.
We are in countdown mode for this and now only have 1 more day until the students present their project.
Exhibition is about process as well as product.
Students will be required to present and share their learning journey, their findings and their understandings with a variety of audiences during the day on both Monday the 23rd and Tuesday the 24th of May.
A special viewing of the Exhibition will be held from 5:00 – 6:30pm on the 24th of May for you as Grade 6 parents. We cordially invite you to attend this wonderful event to share in your children’s learning and their success. We look forward to seeing you there.
The exhibition will consist of an opening welcome, a class performance followed by individual and group learning shares on a rotational basis and a short closing word.
Please remember the exhibition is about a learning journey– not simply a nice display. To really understand the depth of this experience, please ask questions while enjoying the exhibition.
Some questions you might ask are:
What was the most difficult part of completing your exhibition? What makes you say that?
What was the best part of completing your exhibition? What makes you say that?
What do you think you learnt by doing this? What skills did you use to complete this?
What was the most interesting piece of new learning that came out of your exhibition inquiry?
If you had to do this again, would you change anything? Why?
If you had to sum it up, what is the most significant thing you have discovered through the process of your exhibition?
This week for Exhibition:
Students have continued to dive deeper into their inquiries, researching their topics and working on putting their presentations together. We also look forward to sharing these with you during the Exhibition.
At the same time students have enjoyed creating their Exhibition timetables and continue to develop their ATL; Self management, Research, Thinking, Social and Communication skills.
For photos of students hard at work learning and having fun this week please see our Grade 6 Picture folder linked below.
Home learning
During the G6 Exhibition unit, students will have personalised/ individualised homework where they are required to work on their inquiries daily and to document their learning journey in relation to this. At the same time, students will continue to practise Mathematics basic facts, Reading and Spelling. I am pleased to say that this week we had a mathematics assessment survey and all students have shown growth and progress in this. This must mean they have been practising for their homework. Well done everyone, Please also remember to sign your child’s homework each week. Thank you.
Reading, Writing and Inquiry
This week students have continued to develop their ATL skills. In particular this week the focus has been on self management and research skills.
For this, students were given guidance in creating and scheduling their own timetable, breaks and areas of study. Again, please talk with them about this. I am sure this will be insightful. They have done well and are developing a more in depth understanding of the intricacies of planning and managing one’s time in relation to tasks and projects to complete.
Our Central Idea for the Exhibition unit:
‘My passion can be connected to local and global issues and the Action I take may lead to positive change.’
For this unit, students are creating an electronic journal and keeping a daily log of what they have done, what they have discovered as well as their thoughts and feelings in light of this. Please do look at this and talk with your children about it. This is where you will gain insight into everything your child is doing for their exhibition project.
Mathematics this week has been included as part of the exhibition process where a number of students have conducted google form surveys, collecting and analysing data as well as drawing conclusions about these results. Students have also continued to work on basic facts maintenance as well as perimeter and area.
For our Grade 6 schedule please see the link here:
Notices/ Worth Repeating
Our first G5 and 6 Assembly is scheduled for Thursday the 19th of May from 12:30 – 1:00.
Our G6 Exhibition is scheduled for the 24th of May
Regarding Covid 19:
As you will have seen in the news, regarding health and safety protocols around Covid 19, Oman is making moves towards normalcy. We continue to maintain our high standards and our current procedures however and ask that we all remain vigilant in this respect.
As a reminder please see the points below:
- Please do not send your child to school if they are exhibiting any symptoms of Covid. Keep them home until a doctor confirms that they can safely return to school.
- Please inform the school immediately once you are aware of any confirmed covid cases in your family, or of any close contacts with confirmed or suspected cases.
- Please follow the updated Covid Management protocols which our school will be following in the event of positive or close contact cases throughout our unvaccinated primary population.
As always, if you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me.
Sincere regards,
Your partners in learning.
The Grade 6 Teaching team
Glen Nicholson, Khadija Alornrani