Dear KG2 Families,
This week, we have started our fourth and last Unit of Inquiry of the year with a provocation. The children were provided with a variety of materials and were asked to make their own hats.
This UoI fits under the Transdisciplinary Theme “How The World Works” with an inquiry into how humans use their understanding of scientific principles. Our central idea is “Materials and How We Might Use Them.”
Before making our hats, we talked about different types of materials people use to make different things and went on an object hunt in our classroom. We found out that there are lots of objects that are made of plastic. The children also had their own burning questions such as “How do they make glass out of sand?” and “How do they even make Lego?” This week was full of burning questions. As inquirers, we followed our inquiry process map and inquired into our wonderings.

As for our hats, the children came up with fantastic designs. Next week we will go back to our hats and ask one essential question to the children: “ Can you wear your hat?” and continue our inquiry from there.

Wishing you a lovely weekend,
Ms Nicholson and Ms Khadija