… on the 15th of February, we celebrated Friendship Day. We talked about what friends do. Please read what the children had to say – What incredible leaders of the future! Then they drew themselves and planet Earth; and they are holding hands as they go around the world. We also had a special incident where someone found a tiny beetle- like bug and one student kept repeating “ be gentle”, while another child cupped the bug in her hand and put it outside! It is fantastic that they understand we need to care for and look after living things!

Showing ourselves going around planet Earth.
Zane told us about the Earth.
What a great job they all did! Well done K2’s
Making Nature Art.
Mixing white and red paint to make pink paint on Friendship day.
Lollipops start with letter “Ll”.
Feeding our interest and needs and having fun in different ways.
We like playing together: sharing, being problem solvers, being communicators, being sociable and having fun.
“Ll” is for licking a lollipop.
Look at us playing outside and building our muscles to become stronger.
Making More choices!
Look what we created at the Maker Station!