Dear Families,

As you are aware, we are planning for our Primary classes (KG through G6) to return to school in person after the upcoming long weekend.  We look forward to welcoming everyone back on campus on Tuesday, Feb. 15. Our return is of course dependent on any further announcements from the Supreme Committee.  ABIS will inform the community of any changes to the plan as soon as possible.
The school is acknowledging “Friendship Day” that day and students are invited to dress in white, pink or red.  It will add some special excitement to the day as we all return to classes and see our friends and teachers again.
A few things to keep in mind as you send your child back to school:
  • Do not send your child to school if they are exhibiting any symptoms of Covid.  Keep them home until a doctor confirms that they can safely return to school.
  • Please inform the school immediately once you are aware of any confirmed covid cases in your family, or of any close contacts with confirmed or suspected cases.
  • You have all received the updated Covid Management protocols which our school will be following in the event of positive or close contact cases throughout our unvaccinated primary population.
  • Primary grades will maintain grade level “bubbles”.  This means they will eat and play within their own designated outdoor spaces.
  • In order to maintain these bubbles, After School Activities will not resume until further notice.  We will continue to monitor the situation carefully.
  • Teachers will educate and remind students on a daily basis of the importance of social distancing and wearing masks. Please support the health of our school community by doing the same with your children.
  • PE swimming lessons are set to resume the week of Feb. 20.  Please ensure your child has a towel, goggles, swim cap and a bag for all the swimming gear. Prior to online, many students were still not using a swim cap.  Using one makes learning to swim easier, especially with longer hair, as well as protects the filtration system of our pool, keeping the water clean for everyone.

Teachers will spend Monday, Feb. 14 participating in a school wide professional development day.  We will focus on our CIS reaccreditation process and we have a workshop about “Creating a Culture of Care” planned.

We are excited to welcome the students back to school next Tuesday.
Please enjoy the ABIS long weekend with your families!