Dear KG2 Families,
We had a great week this week. I was blown away with our little learners’ abilities and independence once again. It has been great to see that their “Self-Management Skills” have continued to develop during our online lessons. They continued to learn to manage their time, tasks, and emotions successfully during our lessons.
This week’s highlight was our “What’s Missing Game?” which helped us, teachers, gather evidence about the development of our little learner’s self-management skills. The children were able to run this game with limited support. They had lots of fun when playing and interacting with others. Not only the children who were running this game but also the ones participating showed that they are able to wait for their turn and raise their hands to share their answers. What effective communicators!!! They should be proud of themselves.

There was a catch, though. Running this game was voluntary. I was so happy to see that our class is full of risk-takers. Every day this week one of the students volunteered to run the game. Well done to everyone!!!!
What else happened this week? We learnt more about our planet Earth and how we share it with other living things, read books and made volcanoes. We also continued to play maths games in order to develop a deeper understanding of number sense.

Looking forward to seeing the children in person on Tuesday.
Wishing you a lovely long weekend.
Warm regards,
Mrs Nicholson and Ms Khadija