Dear Parents and Students,

Welcome to the end of week 21. Another busy week of home learning online.  

A big thank you to Juri for co-authoring our Broadcaster this week. Well done Juri.

Notices/ Worth Repeating

For many reasons it can be difficult and frustrating working online especially when the internet is not working well and you get ‘bumped’ out of a meeting. Well done to everyone that has been in this situation- it is impressive to see that students are able to take this in their stride and find a ‘work around’. If for some reason this happens or your child is unable to attend a meeting please just let me know. All students have access to our guiding plans in the form of learning slides and should be able to follow our routine with these. It is important however to rejoin our class as soon as possible because this is where the important class discussions and teacher guided discovery learning is happening. 

For photos of students hard at work learning this week please see our Grade 6 Picture page linked below. (There is some great art work in here too 🙂

2021 2022 Week 21 photos 


This week for homework, as we are online, we are very mindful of the amount of screen time students are having, this has been minimal. Students have been encouraged to read hard copy books, revise their basic facts as well as learn their weekly spelling words.

Reading, Writing and Inquiry

Central Idea:

Human migration is a response to challenges, risks and opportunities.

Lines of Inquiry:

  • Reasons why people migrate 
  • Migration patterns 
  • The effects of migration on communities and individuals 

This week the main focus has been on researching information about famous immigrants to write a Biography. For this we also learnt about citing our references as we either paraphrase someone else’s work or use quotations as part of our own writing. 


This week for math online, as we do in class, we completed our math maintenance and also worked on problems of measurement, time and angles. We also tried an exciting new website that allows us to challenge other students in our class or other students around the world, in real time, in math challenges. Not everyone was able to do this because of internet/ connectivity issues however for those that were able, this was a fun learning challenge. 

Visual Art

This week we continue to work on our creative art as a form of self expression. Please see our photo page for examples of student work in this area.


This week we have been following along and copying an online instructor doing a workout and learning about nutrition at the same time as answering questions about the exercises and nutrition, that’s what we have been up to. We enjoyed this.

Next week:

Next week we will be in home learning mode online. I will send our usual Sunday morning email about this however as a reminder, please use our normal, standard link to attend our homeroom classes online. 

Wishing you a great weekend ahead.

As always, if you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me.

Sincere regards,

Your partners in learning.

The Grade 6 Teaching team

Glen Nicholson, Maryam Al Muqbali, Khadija Alornrani