January 25 @ 5:30 – grade 10 DP subject selection evening

January 27 – ABIS Semester 1 reports released on ManageBac

January 30-February 3 – Grade 12 mock exams

February 10-14 – no school for students

The Grade 10 subject selection evening is an opportunity for parents and students to talk to teachers and better understand the courses that they are considering. Please be sure to join us. We are still planning to host this on campus. We will inform families if this plan needs to change.

Grade 12 students have one week until mock exams begin. January 30|February 3. This is an important opportunity for practicing the exam schedule and all the stressors that occur. With this practice, our students are more prepared for the actual exams in May. Please encourage your child to prepare seriously for this mock exam experience. It is often their best indicator of how to improve for May

Unfortunately, we will be postponing Oman Week which typically occurs the same week as the Mock exams. With the increase of Covid cases in our population, we have postponed the plans for Oman Week. We remain optimistic that we can participate in the Omani crafts, the day trips, and the on campus camping that was planned. We are hoping to shift these to the week of March 13 or March 20. We will inform families if we can safely proceed with these plans.