Dear Parents and Students,
This week has been another busy week.
Please see below for notices and notes on our week 16 in review.
This week we have marked homework from the last week and a half and with positive results.
For those studying hard and that have been able to move up a level in our spelling ranks, well done! As we near the December break, please encourage your children to engage with reading, writing and math daily throughout the break so that they are in a good place when we return.
Reading, Writing and Inquiry
For our writing showcase this week please see below for a link to two of our students’ personal narratives from a recent holiday.
Watch this space for more to come.
Bitter Coldness By Luca
The Stitches Holiday By Juri
This week students have continued to work on developing spelling, grammar and punctuation as well as their reading and writing skills.
As part of writing, our focus has been on adding more descriptive detail. Students this week have been working on describing different objects using powerful adjectives and rather than telling a story, focussing on painting a picture of these objects in the reader’s mind using words.
Students have also been working on writing endings to story starters. I am sure they would be only too happy to talk with you about these so please do ask them about their ‘Big Vs. Bigger’, or ‘Best First Day Ever’ stories.
Students this week have also completed their class book ‘Wonder’ by R.J. Palacio by watching the film to compare the written word to the screenplay.
For our Unit of Inquiry, students have this week continued to ‘Tune in’, ‘Find out’ and have now begun to ‘Sort out’ information.
Again the central idea and lines of inquiry for this unit are:
Central Idea:
Human migration is a response to challenges, risks and opportunities.
Lines of Inquiry:
- Reasons why people migrate
- Migration patterns
- The effects of migration on communities and individuals
This week students have begun to look at algebraic equations and substitution as well as continuing to work on developing their skills with number and multiplication facts.
Visual Art
This week our student teachers have completed their assignments and everyone in class has been able to successfully complete their art showing different shading techniques with a pencil. Samples of this work have now been entered into the ABIS Art Showcase that will be published next week. Special thanks to Luca for the feature image on this webpage.
Notices/ Worth Repeating
New team member
We look forward to welcoming a new member to our Grade 6 teaching team next week. More to follow…
Next week
Next Thursday is the last school day before our three week long December break.
On this day students are encouraged to participate in a fun event whereby they can wear school appropriate pajamas for the day. Next week the class will also recognise their hard work to this point, by watching a movie in class. For this students have been allowed to bring in a snack to share if they wish. We must adhere to health and safety protocol however so if a student would like to share a snack with the class, then this must be store bought and individually wrapped.
Please remember your…
- Hat, Water bottle, Ipad charged, PE Kit and Spare Mask…
Thank you.
As always, if you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me.
Sincere regards,
Your partners in learning.
The Grade 6 Teaching team
Glen Nicholson, Maryam Al Muqbali