Dear Parents and Students,

It is hard to believe that we have been at school for 5 weeks already. Congratulations for making it this far. Not long now and I believe the weather will start to cool down a little and students will once again be able to play outside at lunch recess time. With the high temperatures recently we are all looking forward to some cooler weather.


Today we held the first of our weekly spelling tests with very positive results. This being the second week of homework in this format, students seemed to understand this more and achieved more positive results as a whole. Well done everyone.

Please do remember to sight and sign your child’s homework before they bring this back to school for marking every Thursday morning.  

Reading and writing

This week students continued to engage with best fit texts to extend their ability to read aloud with fluency and expression. Learners also completed short answer responses to a series of questions about the texts they had read, which were designed to develop their comprehension and understanding skills where they build meaning from the text. Please talk with your children about this and see below for some examples of this work.




This week students engaged with some real world problem solving as well as theoretical Problem solving. Lots of brain work. Our real life task was to redesign our classroom within set parameters, the hypothetical problem was one where they were working with fractions as well as proportions and ratios. Please do talk with them about this because when learners explain their thinking it is very insightful. Possibly even try the problem yourself…

Please see below for some samples of this work.



Integrated UOI

This is the penultimate week in our current unit. This week students continued to work on making connections between values and beliefs and how this impacts on decisions we make. This week we got so far as to identify who are our heroes and role models and have begun to unpack why. This could also be a very valuable discussion to have with your children. Next week we will step this out into a flow chart outlining the chain of events and cause and effect relationships between our beliefs, values and our decision making processes.


Worth Repeating

At this stage please do not bring sports equipment such as soccer/footballs to school as there are certain activities we are unable to participate in due to Covid mitigation measures. Should this situation change, I will of course update you on this.

Thank you for your continued support in keeping us all safe, happy and learning together.


Please remember your…

Hat, Water bottle, Ipad charged, PE Kit and Spare Mask…


Thank you.

As always, if you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me.

Sincere regards,

Your partner in learning.

Glen Nicholson