Dear Parents and Students,
Wow, how time flies. It is the end of week two already.
It has been a great week with a lot of things going on. I have been impressed with how our G6 team has been able to work remotely in digital distance learning mode but it is never quite the same as when you are in the class with your students as a real person. Getting to see the class and get to know the class in person this week has been great.
This week, we have continued to work on our integrated unit of inquiry into Who We are and in particular looking at our Likes and dislikes. The idea behind this was to highlight how we all share some commonalities as well as some differences. As they used to say in Vietnam when I was there “Same same but different”. Students developed their base list of things they like and dislike and next week will work on displaying these graphically.
This week, students have also completed two writing samples for me as part of me getting to know them as learners. I will in turn discuss these individually with students and samples such as these will inform our goal setting process as we move through the year.
One of the other things that we have been working on this week is our procedural writing or ‘How to’ writing where the students were asked to explain a procedure. This is linked in with an assigned task first of all where I asked students to write a recipe for one of their favourite meals or snacks, the second was a personal choice activity. Success criteria for this were discussed and we decided that if another person could read our writing and make the thing we were describing, then it was successful. I am looking forward to following some of these recipes to test this theory 🙂
You will also be impressed with some of the students’ art work this week. Related to our unit of inquiry, students all worked on drawing a self portrait and they are awesome.
Please see below for some samples.
Thank you everyone. Another great week. Looking forward to the next one.
Students must have a hat at school each day- It may even be an idea to have one that stays at school because there have been a number of students that were unable to play outside in the sun this week because of our ‘no hat, no play’ policy.
Water bottles: please ensure that your child brings a water bottle to school each day- it is important for us to be well hydrated.
I-pad’s: Please ensure that your child’s i-pad is charged and ready for use each day.
PE: Please remember to bring occasion appropriate apparel (PE kit).
Parent Information Evening – Tuesday 7 September
Dear Parents,
We are pleased to host our annual Parent Information Evening on Tuesday, 7 September 2021. Please save this date in your calendars.
The Parent Information Evening is a chance to find out important information about the program for the year and what kind of learning to expect for your child.
To support families with more than one child at ABIS, this year’s Parent Information Evening will be held during two different times:
- 5:30 – 6:15pm or
- 6:30 – 7:15pm.
The information presented will be the same for both sessions.
The Parent Information Evening is a chance to find out important information about the program for the year and what kind of learning to expect for your child.
Grade level homeroom teachers will present specifically for their grade level parents for approximately half an hour, allowing time for questions at the end. Specialist teachers will also be available so you can ask additional questions about Arabic, Omani Social Studies, Music, and Information Literacy.
As always, if you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me.
Sincere regards,
Your partners in learning.
Glen Nicholson
Ms Maryam
Ms Eman