What a year!! It has definitely created a lot of challenges, but it has also been a lot of fun, given us a lot of new skills, and knowledge.
Being our last week the students wanted to help design the learning for the week. We had a theme to dress up to every day – hat day, dress back to front, funny face or hair day. It helped us to finish off our year with a bit of fun whilst we finished off and reflected on our amazing websites, which we will share with each other and our families. We also continued our math learning of mean, medium and mode and symmetry activities. We watched a few short funny films to be able to summarize the meaning of them. We used our thinking and strategy skills to learn to play online checkers/droughts and a Name Scavenger Hunt. We had a food challenge/cook off with some incredible food being made and some hilarious Sock puppets plays and we also created tinfoil art to express an emotion. We finished the week/year off with sharing our activities and a quiz game and video of the year in grade 5.
A big thank you to all the grade 5 students and their parents you have all been amazing. You have made my time at ABIS a special one with very fond memories. I wish you well for grade 6, where your new teacher Mr Nichols will be looking forward to meeting you all. I will miss you all, but wish you a wonderful summer holiday full of fun and relaxation.
with kindness
Ms Nikkie