Hello everyone,

We can’t believe how quickly Grade 5 has flown. An usual year to be sure because of Covid. It has given us many challenges but these challenges have brought us new skills and opportunities and we have excellent in them all!

This week we finalised our websites, finished all our STEAM ecosystem challenges, explored all 4 types of symmetry (reflection. rotation, translation and symmetry) by making symmetrical art and music. We have been reflecting on our year together and looking forward to starting G6 and competed a selection of “farewell” tasks…..group poems, word clouds and stories, fantasy creature designs, superhero avatars and letters to our future selves – emails that will be delivered to us in August. We enjoyed sharing all this work in our final time together on Thursday.

Here is our collaborative poem: A Collaborative poem by G5, about G5.

  • G5 is a grade that motivates students in their studies , thoughts and knowledge .
  • Grade 5 is a Grade that engages people to move and have a happy life.
  • Grade 5 is a grade that encourages motivates and provides young people with education.
  • Grade 5 encourages kids to be creative, put effort in their work and do activities in a fun way.
  • G5 is enjoys seeing other humans happy.
  • G5 was a bag of fun, helpful and confusing experiences!
  • G5 is a grade that develops new skills in learning and improve their learning skills.
  • Grade 5 is a Grade that has creative, fun, talkative, funny people.
  • Grade 5 is a grade that is a safe place for us to be our best selves.

I’d like to thank all grade 5 students and parents for their partnership in learning this year. You have helped to make my 1st year at ABIS such a wonderful time. Mr Nicholson (the new G6 teacher) is very lucky to have you all.

Have a fabulous time over the summer holidays, enjoying family time together.

Warmest regards

Ms Deb