Learning that it takes many mistakes for the most famous inventors to create a successful invention, seems to be helping students in Grade 3 to become greater risk takers. They are demonstrating boldness to give new things a go, trying their best even if they feel unsure, knowing that they can revisit their work and make adjustments.

We have discovered that curiosity is another trait shared by inventors. It has been fantastic this week to hear students in our class showing curiosity and expressing questions during learning times,

This week most students in our class managed to complete at least one more of the times tables. This means that they could recite a times table from memory in less that 30 seconds, and often in less that 20 seconds. Knowing the multiplication facts is helping students to solve many problems more quickly. It was exciting to have our first two students complete all 12 times tables.

Read the student’s learning reflections to find out more about this week in Grade 3.