The grade 10 students have just finished one of their critical benchmark tasks in their last year of the MYP. The Personal Project Exhibition was done virtually this year but the students felt a health dose of anxiety as they anticipated showing what they have been spending the better part of the year working on. I expect they are feeling relieved now that this is finished and they begin the task of organizing the feedback they received about their projects and presentations. Thanks to Mrs. Rehil for managing this process, to faculty advisors who worked with each student, and of course to the students who put so much time into achieving what they set out to do.

Completing the Personal Project is one of the requirements to be met in order for students to achieve the MYP certificate. Parents of grade 10 students have recently received some information from me via email but I want to share the other requirements here for the larger community to see. Those of you with students in grade 9 will be experiencing this all soon.

In addition to the Personal Project, in order to receive the MYP certificate, students must also:

1. Complete the ABIS Service as Action requirements in each year they are here at ABIS. This is managed by advisors. Students need to make proposals in Managebac. Once these are approved students should complete the project, making sure to document the work. Then they write a reflection about the project in Managebac, projects that demonstrate the meeting of our service goals are approved.

2. Successfully meet the requirements of their individual courses.

3. Successfully complete the External Assessment process. This is a two part process involving completing an electronic portfolio in the required courses during quarter 3 and sitting for external online exams in quarter 4.

  • The external assessments are in Mathematics, Sciences, individual & Societies, Language & Literature, and Interdisciplinary Studies. There is one assessment for each of these subject areas.
  • All students choose one subject area in which to complete an electronic portfolio for an assigned unit in quarter three. Students choose from Visual Arts, Music, Physical & Health Education, and Design.

For students taking French will be completing a portfolio for this class. Students who study Arabic Language & Literature will take an additional external exam in this subject instead of another portfolio.

I am in the process of registering students for their external exams and for the moderation of their Personal Projects. If you are a parent of a grade 10 student and you have not yet responded to the email I sent to you last week check your emails. I am using your responses to finalize the selection of external exam choices.

I hope you all have a great weekend.

Greg Perry