We would like to share with you the changes to entry to ABIS and the drop off area.

Vehicles can only enter from the far end of the school car park. A staff member will be there to guide you.

Please keep the right when entering the new entrance to school. There will only be one lane available marked by yellow cones.

You will be required to stop at the STOP sign at which point all students in the car will have their temperature tested.

Should any of the students test at 37 or above the driver must pull forward to park and Mrs Willis will retest before allowing students to enter the campus.

Once inside campus students will follow the signs to their area of the school.

Exiting school and pick up at end of the school day

All cars enter from the same point as the morning drop off. Parents of grades 1 & 2 students please enter drop off area in single file. Teachers will have the students outside and once they see you in your car, will let the child go.

Parents picking up students from grades 3-6, please park according to the following: Grades 3 & 4 on the right hand side of the entry to school and grades 5 & 6 on the left hand side. There will be signage up as a reminder. If you are also picking up a child from secondary please remain parked where you are according to these instructions. Others picking up secondary students please use your discretion when parking.

We thank you in advance for your patience as we work on fine tuning our new processes. We recognize that so much information has been shared with you recently and know this can be overwhelming but together we can make this work! There will staff in high visibility vests to guide you. Please follow their instructions.

At no point are parents or drivers to enter school grounds. If you need to come onto the campus you must email Mr Dominic d.robeau@abisoman.com, Mr Adams j.adams@abisoman.com or Miss Maeve m.doherty@abisoman.com for written permission and a time to do so. This is in the interests of keeping our staff and your child safe and healthy.

We are looking forward to seeing many of you this week.