We are excited to approach this new phase of mixed mode learning, both online and in-class. I hope to be in Oman in next week and probably a week later in school. I look forward to meeting all of you in person. As we are now getting used to each other and the scope of work to be completed, things are heating up!
We have been discussing the IA (internal assessment) and brainstorming possible topics to help us decide on an area of focus. The plan is to work throughout the DP phase on IA-type questions and mini-assessments so that this becomes familiar terrain. The grade 12s who have had some exposure in the last term, will have to work towards an initial plan this month, and a proper draft by the end of December. Grade 11s have it a little easier. They are starting with exploring possible topics as we complete each unit – so will hopefully amass a databank of ideas when it is time to formally submit IAs.
IAs form a crucial component of the final assessment of the DP phase and counts for 20% of the mark. It is definitely an area in which to score – and I hope that with some proper planning, our students will achieve that boost!