There is great joy that comes with the anticipation of the last week of school. This journey has been a long and sometimes arduous one. But the community at ABIS has made every day brighter.

Next week, we will send a list of suggested summer work. It is very important to encourage your child to rest for a few days, perhaps a week or two, but it is also important to help them continue to engage their brain. We encourage all students to read every day for enjoyment. It is easy to get sucked into a movie or a video game, but these do not compare to the imagination encouraged when you get los in a story.

We will also be providing a list of subject specific tasks to help prevent the loss of learning common during the summer. Engaging your child in chores and projects at the house is also good for teaching responsibility. And all MYP students have gained a few skills in the kitchen this year, so let them help prepare meals each night.

Finally, consider adding a farewell comment on Neil’s Padlet. It is still a surprise, but feel free to leave a photo or a video from your family… it will mean the world to him.