grande 11 biology students sampling water in the pond in search for single-cella’s organisms.

Information for grade 12 students

Students in biology and chemistry have spent the week finalizing their Internal Assessment projects. By this time each should have completed the assigned planning form for me to check for completeness. Grade 12 students have an intense schedule of deadlines to follow and keeping up is imperative to minimize stress and strain. All Internal Assessment data must be collected by the morning of 22 September. From this point students will need to find time outside of scheduled classes. I will make the lab available as students reserve this with me.

Grade 12 Chemistry students will have one more day of independent work while our HL student finishes her study of Acids and Bases. When we are all together again we will begin a study of the chemistry of Oxidation Reduction reactions. Within this there will be one required practical experience.

Grade 11 Chemistry students will do their first self-directed investigation, determining the thickness of different sheets of aluminum. They discussed a plan at then end of this week and I found that they quickly arrived at an effective method that should give them an answer to the question. Their challenge will be to focus on their care and craftsmanship in the lab and to apply great measurement techniques with the intention of minimizing systematic errors in order to arrive accurately at the thickness and with an awareness of random error that affect the precision of their calculated answers.

Grade 12 Biology students will have a stop motion project next week as we continue our study of genetics. After this we will start studying Mendelian genetics.

Grade 11 Biology students are continuing with their study of cells and next week will do one required practical about osmosis in cells.

In grades 7, 8, and 9 MYP Support Class (these meet once-per-week for 40 minutes) Ms. Sarah, Mr. Howe’s, and I are working with students to help them learn about and develop some specific self-management skills. This class is active and focused on engagement and production of products that help us to remember these skills and that demonstrate their development of these skills.

Have a great weekend.