Some of our students were invited to attend the ORPIC’s engineers and technicians’ graduation at the Radisson Bleu last Tuesday. The hhighlight of the evening was the inspirational talk delivered by Mr. Nabil Al Busaidi, an Omani who earned the distinction of being the first Arab to walk to the magnetic North Pole in 2009, and the first Arab to row any ocean when Britannia III crossed 4,600 km across the Atlantic in 43 days. in 2011. His message on the importance of having a goal and resilience against all odds resonated among our students.

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Oct. 12 – Secondary Student Council Lock-in

Oct. 17 – RCSI College Rep visit

Oct. 20 – 28 – French study week in Switzerland

Oct. 20 – 22 – DAS Invitational

Oct. 25 – 29 – Autumn Break

Oct. 29 – Staff PD Day

Nov. 1 – House Picnic

Nov. 2 – Advisor reports complete