Dear Parents,

We are looking forward to seeing you on the 11th of September for the Parent Information Evening. Parents’ evenings help you to play an active role in your child’s education as they give you the opportunity to develop a better understanding of our curriculum and other special programs. You can also pick up practical suggestions about how you can help your child at home. The Secondary General Assembly will start at 6:45, followed by the 40-minute Grade Level Presentations. We will end the event with a 10-minute Mix and Mingle at the LC2 atrium. The Student Council will be holding a beverage sale (coffee and juice) throughout the evening.

Best regards,

Ann Gaillard


Sept. 10 & 11 – School photos

Sept. 11 – Parent Info Evening, 6:45 – 7:45

The 7th and 8th graders revisiting the 7 Habits of Successful People.

Sept. 17 – 21 – Book Week

Sept. 17 – ASA Session 1 begins

Sept. 20 – Student Council Movie Night

Sept. 21 – Islamic New Year (tent.)

Sept. 28 – StepOne Careers Testing