Yesterday the ABIS students attended the BSM Dance Competition. The competition was fierce as they were up against students with extensive theatre experience and with more allocated class time than we have – and yet we did extremely well.
In the grade 9-10 division Claire and Willem won with their dance telling the story of Icarus.
In the same division, Anton, Christine and Trisha came runners up with their dance about insanity.
In the grade 7 groups division, Sanna, Courtney, Trina and Jade co-placed fourth with their dance about nightmares.
In the grade 7 groups division, Prishanthi, Claire, and Lotus co–placed fourth with their dance about friendship.
All of our groups should be very proud. Having to choose up to three kinds of lighting for your dance as well as dancing on an elevated space with wings, fly space and the boundaries of the auditorium can be a bit disorienting when you have never done it before. Dancing in front of strangers is also quite daunting. Our students excelled and did their absolute best – and I was really really honoured to call them my students.
A very big thanks must go to the British School and particularly Miss Katie Bamforth who gave up weekends to run workshops that our IGCSE dancers could attend. She and BSM have been welcoming, encouraging and supportive of our students – and the collaboration opportunities with another properly trained dance teacher have been for both she and I marvellous.
This is my last big event with the dance students of ABIS and I will definitely miss them. Miss Briar will gain an exceptionally talented group and I am already looking forward to the exciting events she will be planning.