World peace anyone?? Awareness and appreciation of the wide variety of belief systems present in the world is taking an enormous step towards world peace. That is why this unit on belief systems is a key component along our Global Perspectives journey. 

During this unit students have had a chance to explore various belief systems through research in the media, through personal interviews, and through reflection on their own personal belief systems and how they were formed. Through these interactions we’ve uncovered quite a mixture of belief systems including Scientology, Hinduism, Karate, Christianity, Whirling Dervishes, Scientology (Oops, did I say that twice), Buddhism, Islam, Taoism, and more. We are discovering that, in reality, we are surrounded by belief systems which are driving many of the choices people are making all around us and within us.

It is hoped that this awareness and appreciation of belief systems with help us interact with the world in a more balanced, tolerant, and empathetic way.