Over the last few days Grade 10 students have been making very good progress on the road they have been building, despite the sun being high and hot in the sky. They have been chugging along in good spirits and befriended one of their guides called Gos. They’ve been joking around and having fun, exchanging info so that they can stay in touch. They are still working really hard and impressing Mr Warrier and Miss Fitch.

Today, however, the G10s returned to their natural habitat: a shopping mall. They also enjoyed visiting Pune’s busy shopping street, Laxmi Road. Additionally, they saw where Ghandi’s ashes were interred and visited a few Maher projects. It was a busy day and a welcome change of pace. They will be working on the road again tomorrow and hope to complete. In just a few days they will be back so we wish them a safe return.