The center of every school is and ought to be the library. At ABIS, we have been working hard to make our library better, and we have taken a huge step in acquiring Follett Destiny, a library management system that will help us with sign ins and sign outs, ordering and all around library maintenance.

But before we can start using Destiny, we have two pretty monumental tasks we need to complete. We need to barcode our library collection, and then we need to enter each book in our collection into the system.

Both of these jobs are big, there is no denying the fact. But, there is no other way to eat an elephant but one bite at a time! Students are going to be helping us out with most of the barcoding, so I need some adult volunteers for the more complicated process of adding books to the system.

If you are interested in giving some of your spare time to help this project move forward, I will be holding a meeting on Wednesday, October 30th at 8:35 am in the library. Even if you’ve only got a small amount of time to spare, please consider stopping by. Every bit will get us closer to our goal.
