Fun And Learning At The Same Time!

We were practising our social and communication skills in the water playground. It was also an opportunity for us to use our imaginations and express ourselves. We had a special treat creating “happy face cookies” at school to celebrate our new friends. We...

A Great Start To K3 – 2019 2020

We have had a successful time getting to know our new school, the class routine and our new friends. We are practising communicating, sharing and helping each other. We are excited about learning to read, write stories and use numbers. We are learning to be...

Being Communicators

Some students have acted out their reading group plays and all of us have dramatized our Unit of Inquiry story- It Takes A Village. We have also had fun building the teen numbers and being teachers for each other. We also counted the bags for Karan Kashor to make sure...

Giving learning a context and purpose

We have been practising to skip count in 2’s. We had fun answering questions and making up stories with groups of 2. We have written stories with a friend, and we continue to work with the Precious Stones to create our story about Precious Stones and Shining...