Learning vocabulary in a foreign language

Once you have got to grips with the fundamentals of a language (pronunciation, orthography and basic grammar), you can concentrate on learning vocabulary. This is probably the most important and time-consuming part of learning a language. Modern vocabulary software is...

Why learning foreign languages matters

Why learning languages matters Ask most adults if they think that being able to speak another language is a good thing and they will invariably answer ‘Yes’ and then add, ‘ but I was useless at it at school’. Ask them why it’s a good thing, and they start to flounder....

Where can i learn French in Oman

The French-Omani Centre The statutes of the French-Omani Centre (CFO) are defined by an agreement between the French Republic and the Sultanate of Oman. Created in 1979, the CFO welcomes more than 500 students during each session (children and adults), in Muscat and...

Ten Foreign Language Study Tips

Ten Foreign Language Study Tips Learning a foreign language takes time and a lot of practice. Here are some language- learning pointers that may help you as you learn a new language. 1. ATTEND AND PARTICIPATE IN CLASS WITHOUT FAIL — even if you are not well prepared....

Quick survey on the progress reports and parents evening

Dear parents,We invite you to give us feedback on the quality of the recent progress reports and parents evening (3 Way Conference). A number of teachers, students and parents have been influential in the design of the new progress reports with the goal of improving...