by Wayne Hampton | Oct 2, 2014 | Secondary Team Leader
We’ve arrived at the first holiday, which feels very early though I haven’t heard anyone complain. Obviously it has been a very difficult week for the school and we all go into the holidays feeling very emotional, yet relieved that our Primary students...
by Wayne Hampton | Sep 28, 2014 | News Flash
As part of our annual preparation for emergency situations, there will be a fire drill this week. We ask any parents that are in school when the alarms go off to quietly move to the car park, which is our evacuation point. We do not share the date and the time of the...
by Wayne Hampton | Sep 24, 2014 | Secondary Team Leader, Uncategorized
Books have dominated the week and it has been enjoyable to be part of the buzz. All Secondary students were involved in Wednesday’s book quiz, which was hosted by quizmaster, Grade 3 teacher, Mrs Simpson, who made a guest appearance. Thousands of pages of books...
by Wayne Hampton | Sep 18, 2014 | Secondary Team Leader
It was great to have a good turn out for the Parents Information Evening this week. 33 Parents were present and had the opportunity to talk to teachers and hear about what students are learning, how they are assessed, and how they can support from home. We truly value...
by Wayne Hampton | Sep 11, 2014 | Secondary Team Leader, Uncategorized
Amazingly, we have already reached the end of week two. Students are continuing to settle in well and find their feet, especially those who are new, which is pleasing as it is really challenging to join a new school where virtually everything is different to the last...