I smell….

Dear mom and dad, First I must apologize for sending your child home last Sunday smelling of a lime. Then again, maybe I’ll add a caveat to that apology by saying that the smell was for a good cause :-)) Please talk to the children. I’m sure they’ll...

Area and perimeter

For math we have started working on area and perimeter. To start this unit, we spent a bit of time outside class measuring the perimeter of given areas. Although we began with squares and rectangles we will soon be moving onto measuring compound shapes.

Area and perimeter

Regardless of which careers the children grade four pursue later on in life, they will inevitably find themselves in a situation – wether for work or personal – where they will have to calculate area and perimeter. We started this unit by spending a bit of...

Science in the real world

Without any doubt the highlight of this week was the trip to Sohar aluminum. What better way is there to learn science than to conduct experiments and see how what we learn in class is used in the real world. Who knows, this trip might spark an interest in chemistry...

Paper planes and writing….

We began our procedural writing in a slightly unconventional yet effective manner. First we built a paper airplane by ourselves. Then we worked with a partner who took on the role of the teacher. The teacher then taught the student how to build an airplane. Sounds...