by Teacher | Feb 6, 2014 | Grade 4
Fractions, decimals and percentages are linked to one another. First we worked on fractions, then moved onto decimals and have now begun working on percentages. The class has been looking at what it means (and ways to calculate of course) when a sign says a discount...
by Teacher | Jan 30, 2014 | Grade 4
The children discovered today that Fuzzy has a cousin and that he had been hiding in Mr.Mohamed’s desk drawer all year. They also found out – to their delight I might add – that Fuzzy will be accompanying them on the Oman week trip at the end of next...
by Teacher | Jan 30, 2014 | Grade 4
Thank you so much Dr.Rowaa for speaking to us about how the brain works and giving us a medical doctor’s perspective.
by Teacher | Jan 29, 2014 | Grade 4
Our writing genre (persuasive writing) and unit of inquiry on the brain and decision making were both explained very well by Mikkel’s mom last Tuesday. She spent the morning sharing her experience in corporate communication and ways companies persuade children...
by Teacher | Jan 27, 2014 | Grade 4
Has your child discussed IXL with you? IXL is a web based math program aligned with the New Zealand math curriculum. Since late last term the children have been using IXL to practice and reinforce their math skills. IXL is one of many tools used by teachers to teach...