PYP (Visual Art)

A small brief for students work around the week, KG1&2 started to know primary & secondary colors, G1 started to understand the right scale for the human body, G2 drew the old Egyptian costumes, G3 finished their collage with Kandinsky style, G4 finished the...

PYP (Visual Art)

It was an amazing week with all this creative ideas, KG1&2 start to know primary colors and secondary colors through printing, G1 learned the details for the human body, G2 expressed the omani culture through drawing cubism style for human body with omani...

Visual Art (PYP)

It was a beautiful week with all this creativity, KG1&2 start to know primary colors through printing, G1 learned the details for the human body, G2 expressed their culture through drawing and using markers&water color, G3 used their imagination to express...

Visual Art (PYP)

It was amazing to see all of you again, students were so excited by expressing themselves through using watercolor and pencils colors to create different artwork. And they start to know the rules for the art class and they always make me proud of them. thanks for all...