Ancient Civilization Models

Dear Parents We are learning about past civilizations. Students are researching and finding different information about their civilization. They are also making models to depict their civilization .

Caring for our Environment..

Dear Parents All students are learning the importance of caring for our environment. They have also focused on different aspects of the environment that we need to preserve. We created posters and shared ideas on how we can make small changes in our daily...

Things From the Past…

Dear Parents Our new unit is on Artifacts. Our visit to the Amjad museum showcased hundreds of old artifacts highlighting the history of Oman. We also had two teachers from Abis talk about their countries Artifacts.

What A Week!

Dear Parents We had a good week, all students had the opportunity to watch the winter musical, which was just amazing. Sports day was packed with fun and challenging obstacles, which was enjoyed by all. Happy Holidays!!!