Our learning, for us, by us!

Please be advised that Thursday 29th September will be a Professional Development Day for teachers and that students will not be in school. Thank you parents for signing and returning the field trip letters. We are very excited to be visiting the community of Fizah on...

Into the swing of things!

What a great week we had in Grade 5. We were looking at place value and multiplying and dividing by 10, 100 & 1,000 and running against the clock to see how well we knew our times tables, we were completing our own reports on a famous person we had chosen and we...

Our Learning Space

It was great to see so many parents at our Parent Information Evening and such a great opportunity to work together to support our students in achieving their Term 1 SMART targets. We hope you all enjoyed your letters and will use them to remind your children of what...

Grade 5 enter Destination Imagination!

What a fantastic week it has been for Grade 5! We have been meeting new teachers, new students and exploring and designing our brand new learning area. We have been showing what we know in maths, writing letters to our teachers about who we are and getting into some...

Are you ready Grade 5?

We certainly are and we can’t wait to finally meet you all face to face – with no masks on! (Remember to wash your faces before school this year.) We are your Grade 5 teaching team: Mr Wetzel, Miss Rachel & Ms. Khadija and we are excited for you to...