ABIS Parking and drop off changed

As a result of our continuing expansion work, we have introduced a new temporary entrance to the school. You will no longer be able to gain entrance to the school through on the normal route but will instead be redirected to use a different entrance. When approaching...

Expansion follow up meetings

First of all, thank you so much to all of you who attended the meeting last week. It was good to see so many present. We will be holding follow up meetings to answer any questions that you may have as a result of the presentation. These will be held tomorrow at the...


I am sorry to have to let you know that because of visa related issues Carlijn will not be able to work with us at the school. We will miss her terribly and hope that we will be able to arrange things so that she will be able to join us as soon as possible. In the...

Incidents in Paris

You will be waking up to the news that there had been a terrorist attack in Paris and will probably know that the school has 42 students there along with staff members. We just wanted to reassure you that all the ABIS students and the staff safe and well and the kids...

Preparing for the future

University preparation and counselling is a hot topic at the moment in the Secondary school. Following our successful Grade 10 to 12s visit to Edutrac conference in Muscat, we are evolving our systems for preparing our students for university life. Currently, ABIS...